The 28th Annual PSI Conference was a Life-Changing Experience


I recently had the opportunity to attend the 28th Annual Conference for Postpartum Support International.  The conference was held at the beautiful Inn at St. John's in Plymouth, Michigan.  The theme was Planting seeds of hope: overcoming stigma, increasing options and embracing innovative treatments.  The conference accomplished its goal.

One of the pivotal moments for me was participating in the first ever support group for those touched by postpartum psychosis.  I was honored to be able to experience such a special moment.  There are amazing things to come out of the support group so stay tuned.....

I was also honored to be a presenter at this year's conference.  It was wonderful seeing my PSI family, some whom I have known for years and some new to me.  I will never forget the experience and I am grateful to have been a part of it.

Now off to Arizona for the CAPPA conference :)